Sable Eliza Araneae
“Wherever these cold winds will lead me, I will make this up to you…”
"Want to know me a bit better, ey?"

Name: Sable Eliza Araneae
Age: Mid-30s
Race: Elezen, Wildwood
Grand Company: N/A, Order of the Knights Dragoon.
Jobs/Combat: Dragoon, Dark Knight, Cryomancy, Hand to Hand (Brawler NOT A MONK), Reaper
Free Company: Drakenguard
Occupation: Hunter for Drakenguard, Dragoon Knight in Ishgard
Hair color: White with black streaks
Skin: Dark Tan
Eye: White
Voice: ((I'll just link it: https://youtu.be/sVZOOscV3Ww?t=13 ))
Body type: Toned
Height: 6’3” (192cm)
Weight: Ya wanna die?
Cup Si- No.
Distinguishing marks: Scar over left eye, identical wound marking entry and exit point of a lance on her lower right front and back.
"Don't say I didn't warn you."

Born and raised in Ishgard, Sable was instilled with a sense of pride and honor for her people. That pride led her all the way into the military where she was trained rigorously to the point she was selected to be part of the Order of the Dragoon Knights. As part of her duties, she was stationed at the Dusk Vigil months before the Calamity when the Coerthean region was more Alpine then Snow. In there she made quick friends with two others: Auseux Coutione, a male Elezen, and Nina Blacke, a female Hyur. The trio got along well enough to trust each other with their lives, a bond that was to be tested unbeknownst to them.
Life went by normally as days passed until Dalamud fell, changing the lives of all Eorzeans forever. Climates changed, landscapes shifted and for Coerthas, specifically, the land froze over. The trio kept warm and kept talking about getting out when the cold spell ended. But end it did not. Days turned to weeks, weeks turned to months and there was no sign of getting out. Supplies were running low and everyone knew it.
With no end in sight and people losing their minds, Ser Yuhelmeric had begun silencing those who heralded cries of mutiny to feed the remaining numbers. Slowly and slowly the numbers dwindled until the eyes and blades were turned towards the trio. They began running and defending themselves until they found a small hole in which only one could fit. Nina and Auseux elected Sable to go but she resisted until they forced her to leave. Upon falling several stories out the hole she ended up in a blizzard, drenched in sweat and scared for her life. Upon getting her bearings, she ran as far north as she could until passing out in the middle of the snow.
Some time later, she awoke in the infirmary in Ishgard. Realizing where she was, she quickly shot out of the bed attempting to run to the nearest office but fell promptly to the ground before taking her first step. The chirugeons, realizing she had woken up, contacted Ser Aymeric as previously ordered as they brought her back into the bed. Upon reaching the room Sable was in, Aymeric had told her everything that had transpired where it was revealed to her that she had been unconscious for two and a half weeks. Hearing this, she broke down realizing her friends were dead and she had failed them.A short while after, she had found herself at the bottom of a bottle more often than not as the days passed. She had gotten a reputation of ending fights even if she hadn't started them. All the woman wanted was simple peace and quiet but that goal was far out of reach. One fateful night, colder than usual, she happened upon a fight in the Brume of two Knights of lower rank than she was tormenting a seemingly defenseless hodded figure. Chasing them away after barking at them, she met the figure who had unfortunately passed on. Angered by this, Sable was on the war path to find the two responsible. However, a red glowing rock caught her eye and when she picked it up she could hear a voice calling out to her. This started her on her journey as a Dark Knight and ever since that night the only few in Ishgard that know of it are herself, Lucia, and Aymeric and she would prefer it stay that way.Years later, that regret still lingers with horrific nightmares of that dreaded time in that icy prison. Will she ever get closure? Will the nightmares ever stop? Can she forgive herself? Will she forgive herself?
"It was nice we got this time to talk."

Sexuality: Lesbian
Relationship Status: TakenJoelistyn Dusk: Captain of the Drakenguard. Sable met Joe after hearing about a hunt that was in need of more able people. Upon meeting her, Sable gravitated towards her as she felt a connection to the large woman. During the hunt in the Azim Steppe against a Rathalos, Sable was injured with a broken arm but Joelistyn came out rather unscathed. After getting her arm in a sling, she and the Roegadyn hit it off before they entered a relationship. Sable's happy with the fact that they've got each other's backs and fronts even when trading insults.Akai Wakizaka: Owner of the Drakenguard lodge/ Taste of Doma restaurant. After meeting with Joe, Sable had decided to apply for a hunter's position and met with the small Au'ra who ran the business. Speaking to her, Sable came to respect the woman and what she did. Ever since then, she considers the woman a friend and will do just about anything for her. During the week, when her duties in Ishgard permit, she is the primary bartender at the restaurant that Akai runs know as Taste of Doma due to the Au'ra being from the region.Engel Saladin: Non-biological family. A chance encounter would bring these two together and make them practically inseparable. The women, coincidentally, are Dark Knights which strengthens the connection between the two. After Engel had gone back home to raise her son, Sable wrote every fortnight and sent the letters in hope it would reach her. With Engel's return to Eorzea, Sable plans on spending more time with the woman she considers her sister as well as her little nephew.Q'Donis Devhran: Endless source of worry and pride. Meeting the young man, Sable felt an urge to protect him and keep him safe although that was unnecessary as the boy was capable of defending himself and those around him. Nonetheless, she worries about his well-being, both physical and mental. After meeting with his half-sister, K'Roxa, and slaying his own father, Svitul, Sable keeps an eye out for him and his sister, making sure they are safe. She sees them as her own kin.Selena Araneae: Sable's adopted daughter. She found the small elezen while on a mission for her lodge. After a series of fantastical and nearly deadly adventures, Sable adopted the girl and took her in as her own. She will fight to the end of time to make her happy and keep her safe.Where can you find Sable: Drakengard lodge, Falcon's Nest. (On Siren)
"Back to the top with ye, there's not much else here."